The group of Prof. Imhof publicly hosts the algorithm HeMoQuest for the prediction of transient heme binding to protein sequences. Due to organizational issues, please find the server under the following address:
If you use this algorithm, please cite the following publications:
Paul George, A.A., Lacerda, M., Syllwasschy, B.F., Hopp, M.-T., Wißbrock, A., Imhof, D. (2020) HeMoQuest: A webserver for qualitative prediction of transient heme binding to protein motifs. BMC Bioinformatics, 21, 124 Wißbrock, A., Paul George, A.A., Brewitz, H. H., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2019) The Molecular Basis of Transient Heme-Protein Interactions: Analysis, Concept and Implementation. Biosci. Rep., 39(1), BSR20181940