- Elsayed, Y. Y., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2025) Regulatory guidelines for the analysis of therapeutic peptides and proteins. J. Pept. Sci., 31(3), e700017
- Vaidya, S. M., Rathod, D. C., Ramoji, A., Neugebauer, U., Imhof, D. (2024) Molecular Insights into the Heme-binding Potential of Plant NCR247-derived Peptides. ChemBioChem, e2024009208
- Singh, S., Hagelueken, G., Ugurlar, D., Urs, S. U. R., Sharma, A., Mahapatra, M., Drepper, F., Imhof, D., Huesgen, P. F., Oldenburg, J., Geyer, M., & Biswas, A. (2024). Cryo-EM structure of the human native plasma coagulation factor XIII complex. Blood, 20240253699
- Papini, A.M., Neundorf, I., Imhof, D. (2024). Editorial: Women in Peptide Science. J. Pept. Sci., e3659 10
- Elsayed, Y.Y., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2024). Innovative Pharmaceutical Stabilization and Formulation Processes for Protein Drugs and Their Impact on Sequence and Structure. In: Dispersity, Structure and Phase Changes of Proteins and Bio Agglomerates in Biotechnological Processes: Analytics, (Springer, Cham., Eds. Kwade, A., Kampen, I.). 157–17911
- Hopp, M.-T., Vaidya, S. M., Grimmig K. M., Strudthoff L. J., Clauser J. C., Yuan X., Singh S., Müller J., Oldenburg J., Hamza I., Imhof, D. (2024) Quantitative analysis of heme and hemoglobin for the detection of intravascular hemolysis. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1312, 34276612
- Hopp, M.-T., Ugurlar, D., Pezeshkpoor, B., Biswas, A., Ramoji, A., Neugebauer, U., Oldenburg, J., Imhof, D. (2024) In-depth structure-function profiling of the complex formation between clotting factor VIII and heme. Thromb. Res., S0049-3848(24)00119-113
- Elsayed, Y. Y., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2024) Edman degradation reveals unequivocal analysis of the disulfide-connectivity in peptides and proteins. Anal. Chem., 96, 10, 4057–406614
- Pepanian, A., Sommerfeld, P., Binbay, F.A., Fischer, D., Pietsch, M., Imhof, D. (2024) In-depth analysis of Gαs protein activity by probing different fluorescently labeled guanine nucleotides. Biol. Chem., 405(5), 297-30915
- Pepanian, A., Binbay, F.A., Pei, D., Imhof, D. (2024) Design, synthesis and analysis of macrobicyclic peptides for targeting the Gαi protein. J. Pept. Sci, 17:e356516
- Binbay, F.A., Rathod, D.C., George, A.A.P., Imhof, D. (2023) Quality Assessment of Selected Protein Structures Derived from Homology Modeling and AlphaFold. Pharmaceuticals, 16(12),166217
- Hopp, M.-T., Holze, J., Lauber, F., Holtkamp, L., Rathod, D. C., Miteva, M.A., Prestes, E. B., Geyer, M., Manoury, B., Merle, N. S., Roumenina, L. T., Bozza, M. T., Weindl, G., Imhof, D. (2023) Insights into the molecular basis and mechanism of heme-triggered TLR4 signaling: The role of heme-binding motifs in TLR4 and MD2. Immunology,13708 1
- Hopp, M.-T., Imhof, D. (2023) Häm-Interaktionen an der Schnittstelle zwischen SARS-CoV-2 und Wirtszelle. Biospektrum, 29(6), 625-62818
- Brune, S. E., Hoppenreijs, L. J. G., Kühl, T., Lautenbach, V., Walter, J., Peukert, W., Schwarz, K., Imhof, D., Boom, R. M., Krull, R., Keppler, J. K., Biedendieck, R. (2023) Precision fermentation as a route to modify β-lactoglobulin structure through substitution of specific cysteine residues. Int. Dairy J.,147, 105772 19
- Pepanian, A., Binbay, F. A., Roy, S., Nubbemeyer, B., Koley, A., Rhodes, C. A., Ammer, H., Pei, D., Ghosh, P., Imhof, D. (2023) Bicyclic peptide library screening for the identification of Gαi protein modulators. J. Med. Chem., 66(17), 12396–1240620
- Fitzner, L., Kühl, T., Hasler, M., Imhof, D., Schwarz, K., Keppler, J. K. (2023) Modification and oxidative degradation of β-lactoglobulin by UVB irradiation. Food Chem., 428, 13669821
- Rathod, D. C., Vaidya, S. M., Hopp, M.-T., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2023) Shapes and patterns of heme-binding motifs in mammalian heme-binding proteins. Biomolecules, 13(7), 13012
- Kühl, T., Georgieva, M.M., Hübner, H., Lazarova, M., Vogel, M., Haas, B., Peeva, M.I, Balacheva, A.A., Bogdanov, I.P., Milella, L., Ponticelli, M., Garev, T., Faraone, I., Detcheva, R., Minchev, B., Petkova-Kirova, P., Tancheva, L., Kalfin, R., Atanasov, A.G., Antonov, L., Pajpanova, T.I., Kirilov, K., Gastreich, M., Gmeiner, P., Imhof, D., Tzvetkov, N.T. (2023) Neurotensin(8–13) analogs as dual NTS1 and NTS2 receptor ligands with enhanced effects on a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 201, 11247422
- Imhof, D. (2022) Editorial: Heme research - the past, the present and the future. Biol. Chem., 403(11-12), 983-98423
- Mubeen, S., Domingo-Fernández, D., Días del Ser, S., Solanki, D. M., Kodamullil, A. T., Hofmann-Apitius, M., Hopp, M.-T., Imhof, D. (2022) Exploring the complex network of heme-triggered effects on the blood coagulation system. J. Clin. Med., 11(19), 597524
- Pepanian, A., Sommerfeld, P., Kasprzyk, R., Kühl, T., Binbay, F., Hauser, C., Löser, R., Wodtke, R., Bednarczyk, M., Chromiński, M., Kowalska, J., Jemielity, J., Imhof, D., Pietsch, M. (2022) A fluorescence anisotropy assay with guanine nucleotides provides access to functional analysis of Gαi1 proteins. Anal. Chem., 94(41), 14410−14418.3
- Hopp, M.-T., Rathod, D., Imhof, D. (2022) Host and viral proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection differentially bind heme. 25Protein Sci., 31(11), e445125
- Pepanian, A., Nubbemeyer, B., Paul George, A.A., Kühl, T., Ammer, H., Pei, D., Imhof, D. (2022) Targeting Gαi/s Proteins With Peptidyl Nucleotide Exchange Modulators. 36th European Peptide Symposium and 12th International Peptide Symposium (2nd Poster Prize Award)
- Elsayed, Y. Y., Kühl, T., Dauer, K., Sayin, A., Wagner, K. G., Imhof, D. (2022) Bioanalytical workflow for qualitative and quantitative assessment of hot-melt extruded lysozyme formulations. ACS Omega, 7(45), 40836-4084326
- Dennhardt, S., Pirschel, W., Wissuwa, B., Imhof, D., Daniel, C., Kielstein, J. T., Hennig-Pauka, I., Amann, K., Gunzer, F., Coldewey, S. M. (2022) Targeting the Innate Repair Receptor Axis via Erythropoietin or Pyroglutamate Helix B Surface Peptide attenuates Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome in Mice. Front. Immunol., 13, 101088227
- Piliponsky, A. M., Sharma, K., Quach, P., Brokaw, A., Nguyen, S., Orvis, A., Saha, S. S., Samanas, N. B., Seepersaud, R., Tang, Y. P., Mackey, E., Bhise, G., Gendrin, C., Furuta, A., Seo, A. J., Guga, E., Miralda, I., Coleman, M. M., Sweeney, E. L., Bäuml, C. A., Imhof, D., Snyder, J. M., Moeser, A. J., Rajagopal, L. (2022) Mast cell derived factor XIIIA contributes to sexual dimorphic defense against group B Streptococcal infections. J. Clin. Invest., e15799928
- Sahoo, N., Yang, K., Coburger, I., Bernert, A., Swain, S. M., Gessner, G., Kappl, R., Kühl, T., Imhof, D., Hoshi, T., Schönherr, R., Heinemann, S.H. (2022) Intracellular hemin is a potent inhibitor of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv10.1. Sci. Rep., 12, 1464529
- Hopp, M.-T., Rathod, D. C., Winn, K. H., Ambast, S., Imhof, D. (2022) Novel insights into heme binding to hemoglobin. Biol. Chem., 403(11-12), 1055-106630
- Hopp, M.-T., Paul George, A. A., Ramoji, A., Pepanian, A., Detzel, M. S., Neugebauer, U., Imhof, D. (2022) A Model Peptide Reveals Insights into the Interaction of Human Hemopexin with Heme. Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther., 28, 12931
- Nubbemeyer, B., Paul George, A. A., Kühl, T., Pepanian, A., Beck, M.S., Maghraby, R., Shetab Boushehri, M., Muehlhaupt, M., Pfeil, E.M., Annala, S.K., Ammer, H., Imhof, D., Pei, D. (2022) Targeting Gαi/s Proteins with Peptidyl Nucleotide Exchange Modulators. ACS Chem. Biol., 17, 463-47332
- Sorg, B., Imhof, D. (2021) Biochemie und Klinische Chemie für Pharmazeuten4, (Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart mbH)
- Hopp, M.-T., Domingo-Fernández, D., Gadiya, Y., Detzel, M.S., Graf, R., Schmalohr, B.F., Kodamullil, A.T., Imhof, D. , Hofmann-Apitius, M. (2021) Linking COVID-19 and heme-driven pathophysiologies: A combined computational-experimental approach. Biomolecules, 11, 64433
- Detzel, M.S., Schmalohr, B.F., Steinbock, F., Hopp, M.-T., Ramoji, A., Paul George, A.A., Neugebauer, U., Imhof, D. (2021) Revisiting the interaction of heme with hemopexin. Biol. Chem., 402(6), 675-69134
- Nubbemeyer, B., Pepanian, A., Paul George, A. A., Imhof, D. (2021) Strategies Towards Targeting Gαi/s Proteins: Scanning of Protein-Protein Interaction Sites to Overcome Inaccessibility. ChemMedChem,16, 1696-171535
- Schmalohr, B.F., Mustafa, A-H.M., Krämer, O.H., Imhof, D.(2021) Structural insights into the interaction of heme with protein tyrosine kinase JAK2. ChemBioChem, 22(5), 861-86436
- Hopp, M.-T., Imhof, D. (2021) Linking Labile Heme with Thrombosis. J. Clin. Med., 10(3), 42737
- Schmitz, T., Paul George, A.A., Nubbemeyer, B., Bäuml, C.A., Steinmetzer, T., Ohlenschläger, O., Biswas, A., Imhof, D. (2021) NMR-Based Structural Characterization of a Two-Disulfide-Bonded Analogue of the FXIIIa Inhibitor Tridegin: New Insights into Structure–Activity Relationships. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 880 38
- Hopp, M.-T., Alhanafi, N., Paul George, A.A., Hamedani, N. S., Biswas, A., Oldenburg, J., Pötzsch, B., Imhof, D. (2021) Molecular insights and functional consequences of the interaction of heme with activated protein C. Antioxid. Redox Signal., 34(1), 32-4839
- Imhof, D., Roy, D., Albericio, F. (2020) Editorial: Chemical Design and Biomedical Applications of Disulfide-rich Peptides: Challenges and Opportunities. Front. Chem., 8, 84140
- Schmitz, T., Pengelley, S., Belau, E., Suckau, D., Imhof, D. (2020) LC-Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry-TOF MS Differentiation of 2-and 3-Disulfide-Bonded Isomers of the μ-Conotoxin PIIIA. Anal. Chem., 92(16), 10920–1092441
- Hopp, M.-T., Schmalohr, B.F., Kühl, T., Detzel, M.S., Wißbrock, A., Imhof, D. (2020) Heme Determination and Quantification Methods and Their Suitability for Practical Applications and Every-Day-Use. Anal. Chem., 92(14), 9429-94405
- Bäuml, C., Paul George, A.A., Schmitz, T., Sommerfeld, P., Pietsch, M., Podsiadlowski, L., Steinmetzer, T., Biswas, A., Imhof, D. (2020) Distinct 3-disulfide-bonded isomers of tridegin differentially inhibit coagulation factor XIIIa: The influence of structural stability on bioactivity. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 201, 11247442
- Schmitz, T., Bäuml, C.A., Imhof, D. (2020) Inhibitors of blood coagulation factor XIII. Anal. Biochem., 605, 11370843
- Syllwasschy, B.F., Beck, M.S., Družeta, I., Hopp, M.-T., Ramoji, A., Neugebauer, U., Nozinovic, S., Menche, D., Willbold, D., Ohlenschläger, O., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2020) High-affinity binding and catalytic activity of His/Tyr-based sequences: Extending heme-regulatory motifs beyond CP. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General Subjects, 1864(7), 12960344
- Paul George, A.A., Lacerda, M., Syllwasschy, B.F., Hopp, M.-T., Wißbrock, A., Imhof, D. (2020) HeMoQuest: A webserver for qualitative prediction of transient heme binding to protein motifs. BMC Bioinformatics, 21, 12445
- Humayun, F., Domingo-Fernandez, D., Paul George, A.A., Hopp, M.-T., Syllwasschy, B.F., Detzel, M.S., Hoyt, T.C., Hofmann-Apitius, M., Imhof, D. (2020) A computational approach for mapping heme biology in the context of hemolytic disorders. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 8, 7446
- Singh, S., Nazabal, A., Kaniyappan, S., Pellequer, J. L., Wolberg, A. S., Imhof, D., Oldenburg, J., Biswas, A. (2019) The plasma Factor XIII heterotetrameric complex structure: unexpected unequal pairing within a symmetric complex. Biomolecules, 9(12), 76547
- Wißbrock, A., Goradia, N.B., Kumar, A., Paul George, A.A., Kühl, T., Bellstedt, P., Ramachandran, R., Hoffmann, P., Galler, K., Popp, J., Neugebauer, U., Hampel, K., Zimmermann, B., Adam, S., Wiendl, M., Krönke, G., Hamza, I., Heinemann, S.H., Frey, S., Hueber, A.J., Ohlenschläger, O., Imhof, D. (2019) Structural insights into heme binding to IL-36α proinflammatory cytokine. Sci. Rep., 9, 1689348
- Bäuml, C.A., Imhof, D. (2019) Tridegin as FXIIIa inhibitor. Zedira GmbH, Blog Entry:
- Singh, S., Dodt, J., Volkers, P., Hethershaw, E., Philippou, H., Ivaskevicius, V., Imhof, D., Oldenburg, J., Biswas, A. (2019) Structure functional insights into calcium binding during the activation of coagulation factor XIII A. Sci. Rep., 9, 1132450
- Kumar, A., Bellstedt, P., Wiedemann, C., Wißbrock, A., Imhof, D., Ramachandran, R., Ohlenschläger, O. (2019) NMR experiments on the transient interaction of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal peptide of cystathionine-β-synthase with heme. J. Magn. Reson., 308, 10656151
- Paul George, A.A., Heimer, P., Leipold, E., Schmitz, T., Kaufmann, D., Tietze, D., Heinemann, S.H., Imhof, D. (2019) Effect of Conformational Diversity on the Bioactivity of µ-Conotoxin PIIIA Disulfide Isomers. Mar. Drugs, 17(7), 39052
- Bäuml, C. A., Schmitz, T., Paul George, A.A., Sudarsanam, M., Hardes, K., Steinmetzer, T., Holle, L. A., Wolberg, S. A., Pötzsch, B., Oldenburg, J., Biswas, A., Imhof, D. (2019) Coagulation Factor XIIIa Inhibitor Tridegin: On the Role of Disulfide Bonds for Folding, Stability, and Function. J. Med. Chem., 62(7), 3513−352353
- Kumar, A., Wißbrock, A., Bellstedt, P., Lang, A., Ramachandran, R., Wiedemann, C., Imhof, D., Ohlenschläger, O. (2019) 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of the cytokine interleukin-36β isoform-2. Biomol. NMR. Assign., 13(1), 155-16154
- Wißbrock, A., Paul George, A.A., Brewitz, H. H., Kühl, T., Imhof, D. (2019) The Molecular Basis of Transient Heme-Protein Interactions: Analysis, Concept and Implementation. Biosci. Rep., 39(1), BSR2018194055
- Paul George, A.A., Heimer, P., Maaß, A., Hamaekers, J., Hofmann-Apitius, M., Biswas, A., Imhof, D. (2018) Insights into the Folding of Disulfide-Rich μ-Conotoxins. ACS Omega, 3(10), 12330-1234056
- Heimer, P., Schmitz, T., Bäuml, C. A., Imhof, D. (2018) Synthesis and Structure Determination of µ-Conotoxin PIIIA Isomers with Different Disulfide Connectivities. J. Vis. Exp., (140), e5836857
- Peherstorfer, S., Brewitz, H. H., Paul George, A.A., Wißbrock, A., Adam, J.M., Schmitt, L., Imhof, D. (2018) Insights into mechanism and functional consequences of heme binding to hemolysin-activating lysine acyltransferase HlyC from Escherichia coli. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General Subjects, 1862(9), 1964-197258
- Reher, R., Kühl, T., Annala, S., Benkel, T., Kaufmann, D., Nubbemeyer, B., Odhiambo, J.P., Heimer, P., Bäuml, C.A., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Kostenis, E., Tietze, D., König, G.M., Imhof, D. (2018) Deciphering specificity determinants for FR900359‐derived Gαq inhibitors based on computational and structure‐activity studies. ChemMedChem, 13(16), 1634-16436
- Oppermann, S., Oppermann, C., Böhm, M., Kühl, T., Imhof, D., Kragl, U. (2018) Quantification of amino acids and peptides in an ionic liquid based aqueous two-phase system by LC–MS analysis. AMB Express, 8, 6659
- Lichtenberg, N., Menges, R., Ageev, V., Paul George, A.A., Heimer, P., Imhof, D., Lawonn, K. (2018) Analyzing residue surface proximity to interpret molecular dynamics. Comput. Graph. Forum, 37(3), 379-39060
- Heimer, P., Tietze, A.A., Bäuml, C.A., Resemann, A., Mayer, F.J., Suckau, D., Ohlenschläger, O., Tietze, D., Imhof, D. (2018) Conformational µ-conotoxin PIIIA isomers revisited: The impact of cysteine pairing on disulfide bond assignment and structure elucidation. Anal. Chem., 90(5), 3321-332761
- Kumar, A., Wißbrock, A., Goradia, N., Bellstedt, P., Ramachandran, R., Imhof, D., Ohlenschläger, O. (2018) Heme interaction of the intrinsically disordered N-terminal peptide segment of human cystathionine-β-synthase. Sci. Rep., 8, 247462
- Göder, A., Emmerich, C., Nikolova, T., Kiweler, N., Schreiber M., Kühl, T., Imhof, D., Christmann, M., Heinzel,T., Schneider, G., Krämer, O. (2018) HDAC1 and HDAC2 integrate checkpoint kinase phosphorylation and cell fate through the phosphatase-2A subunit PR130. Nat. Comm., 9, 76463
- Grundmann, M., Merten, N., Malfacini, D., Inoue, A., Preis, P., Simon, K., Rüttiger, N., Ziegler, N., Benkel, T., Schmitt, N.K., Ishida, S., Müller, I., Reher, R., Kawakami, K., Inoue, A., Rick, U., Kühl, T., Imhof, D., Aoki, J., König, G.M., Hoffmann, C., Gomeza, J., Wess, J., Kostenis, E. (2018) Lack of beta-arrestin signaling in the absence of active G proteins. Nat. Comm., 9(1), 34164
- Tietze, D., Sartorius, J., Koley Seth, B., Herr, K., Heimer, P., Imhof, D., Mollenhauer, D., Buntkowsky, G. (2017) New insights into the mechanism of nickel superoxide degradation from studies of model peptides. Sci Rep, 7:1719465
- Gessner, G., Sahoo, N., Swain, S.M., Hirth, G., Schönherr, R., Mede, R., Westerhausen, M., Brewitz, H.H., Heimer, P., Imhof, D., Hoshi, T., Heinemann, S.H. (2017) CO-independent modification of K+ channels by tricarbonyldichlororuthenium(II) dimer (CORM-2). Eur. J. Pharmacol., 815(15), 33-4166
- Wißbrock, A., Imhof D. (2017) A tough nut to crack: Intracellular detection and quantification of heme in malaria parasites by a genetically encoded protein sensor. ChemBioChem, 18(16), 1561-156467
- Wißbrock, A., Kühl, T., Silbermann, K., Becker, A. J., Ohlenschläger, O., Imhof, D. (2017) Synthesis and evaluation of Abeta-derived and Abeta-independent enhancers of the peroxidase-like activity of heme. J. Med. Chem., 60(1), 373-38568
- Brewitz, H. H., Hagelüken, G., Imhof, D. (2017) Structural and functional diversity of transient heme binding to bacterial proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General Subjects, 1861(3), 683-69769
- Leipold, E., Ullrich, F., Thiele, M., Tietze, A. A., Terlau, H., Imhof, D., Heinemann, S. H. (2017) Subtype-specific block of voltage-gated K+ channels by μ-conopeptides. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 482(4), 1135-114070
- Hennig, D., Imhof, D. (2016) Encapsulation of the HDACi Ex527 into liposomes and polymer-based particles. In: Assessment of HDAC Functions and Development of their Inhibitors: Methods and Protocols, (Springer, Ed. O. Krämer). Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB), 1510, 387-39871
- Goradia, N., Wißbrock, A., Wiedemann, C., Bordusa, F., Ramachandran, R., Imhof, D., Ohlenschläger, O. (2016) 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-36α. Biomolecular NMR assignments, 10(2), 329-33372
- Blaurock, N., Schmerler, D., Hünniger, K., Kurzaj, O., Ludewig, K., Baier, M., Brunkhorst, F. M., Imhof, D., Kiehntopf, M. (2016) C-Terminal Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Peptide: A New Sepsis Biomarker with Immunomodulatory Function. Mediators in Inflammation, 2016:612943773
- Tietze, D., Leipold, E., Heimer, P., Böhm, M., Winschel, W., Imhof, D., Heinemann, S. H., Tietze, A. A. (2016) Molecular interaction of δ-conopeptide EVIA with voltage-gated Na+ channels. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General Subjects, 1860(9), 2053-206374
- Hagelueken, G., Hofmann, J., Schubert, E., Duthie, F. G., Florin, N., Konrad, L., Imhof, D., Morgner, N., Schiemann, O. (2016) Studies on the crystal- and solution structure of FeoB from Escherichia coli BL21 using X-ray crystallography, PELDOR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Biophys. J., 110(12), 2642-265075
- Brewitz, H. H., Goradia, N., Schubert, E., Galler, K., Kühl, T., Syllwasschy, B., Popp, J., Neugebauer, U., Hagelueken, G., Schiemann, O., Ohlenschläger, O., Imhof, D. (2016) Heme interacts with histidine- and tyrosine-based protein motifs and inhibits enzymatic activity of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase from Escherichia coli. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - General Subjects, 1860(9), 1343-135376
- Coburger, I., Schaub, Y., Roeser, D., Hardes, K., Maeder, P., Klee, N., Steinmetzer, T., Imhof, D., Diederich, W. E., Than, M. E. (2016) Identification of inhibitors of the transmembrane protease FlaK of Methanococcus maripaludis. Microbiologyopen, 5(4), 637-64677
- Grizić, D., Heimer P., Vranić, E., Imhof, D., Lamprecht, A. (2016) From propylene carbonate to 3,5-diacetyl-1,4-dihydro-2,6-lutidine: a novel quantification approach. Talanta, 151, 75-8278
- Schrage, R., Schmitz, A. L., Gaffal, E., Annala, S., Kehraus, S., Wenzel, D., Büllesbach, K. M., Bald, T., Inoue, A., Shinjo, Y., Galandrin, S., Shridhar, N., Hesse, M., Grundmann, M., Merten, N., Charpentier, T. H., Martz, M., Butcher, A. J., Slodczyk, T., Armando, S., Effern, M., Namkung, Y., Jenkins, L., Horn, V., Stößel, A., Dargatz, H., Tietze, D., Imhof, D., Gales, C., Drewke, C., Müller, C. E., Hölzel, M., Milligan, G., Tobin, A. B., Gomeza, J., Dohlman, H. G., Sondek, J., Harden, T. K., Bouvier, M., Laporte, S. A., Aoki, J., Fleischmann, B. K., Mohr, K., König, G. M., Tüting, T., Kostenis, E. (2015) The experimental power of FR900359 to study Gq-regulated biological processes. Nat. Commun., 6:1015679
- Brewitz, H. H., Kühl, T., Goradia, N., Galler, K., Popp, J., Neugebauer, U., Ohlenschläger, O., Imhof, D. (2015) Role of the Chemical Environment beyond the Coordination Site: Structural Insight into Fe III Protoporphyrin Binding to Cysteine-Based Heme-Regulatory Protein Motifs. ChemBioChem, 16(15), 2216–2480
- Schubert, E.; Florin, N., Duthie, F., Brewitz, H. H., Kühl, T., Imhof, D., Hagelueken, G., Schiemann, O. (2015) Spectroscopic Studies on Peptides and Proteins with Cysteine-Containing Heme Regulatory Motifs (HRM). J. Inorg. Biochem., 148, 49–5681
- Chen, M., Heimer, P., Imhof, D. (2015) Synthetic strategies for polypeptides and proteins by chemical ligation. Amino Acids, 47(7), 1283-129982
- Böhm, M., Bäuml, C. A., Hardes, K., Steinmetzer, T., Roeser, D., Schaub, Y., Than, M. E., Biswas, A., Imhof, D. (2014) Novel insights into structure and function of factor XIIIa-inhibitor tridegin. J. Med. Chem., 57(24), 10355-1036583
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