Pharmaceutical Sciences & Master of Science 'Drug Research'
The research group is responsible for the training of 'Pharmacy' students in the field of 'Biochemical Investigation Methods and Clinical Chemistry' (Biochemische Untersuchungsmethoden und Klinische Chemie) (5th semester).
The registration for the program 'Biochemische Untersuchungsmethoden einschließlich Klinischer Chemie' (Biochemical Investigation Methods including Clinical Chemistry) for pharmacists (lecture, internship) as well as the module PBM WPA51 for Master students of the Master of Science 'Drug Research' program will take place in the first lecture event of the semester.
Furthermore, registration is required electronically via BASIS.
Pharmacy students of the 8th Semester (WPF) are also offered the practical 'Bioaktive Peptide mit medizinischer Relevanz' (Bioactive peptides with medicinal relevance). Master of Science 'Drug Research' students can perform the module WPMB15 'Biochemische Mechanismen der Krankheitsentstehung' (Biochemical mechanisms of pathogenesis) within the compulsory choice section B.
Masters courses (Life Science Informatics)
The lecture 'Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry' is offered to master students of Life Science Informatics (3 Semester).
An internship can be carried out after consultation.
- https://www.drugresearch.uni-bonn.de/moduluebersicht/wpma5-v2.pdf