Publications Max Crüsemann

GA publications2023.png
© Crüsemann


50. Hanke, W., Alenfelder, J., Liu, J., Gutbrod, P., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Dörmann, P., Kostenis, E., Scholz, M., König, G.M.
The bacterial Gq signaltransduction inhibitor FR900359 impairs soil-associated and plant pathogenic nematodes
J Chem Ecol 2023 Jul 15
doi: 10.1007/s10886-023-01442-1.

49. Wirtz, D.A., Schneberger, N., Klöppel, S., Richarz, R., Geyer, M., König, G.M., Hagelueken, G., Crüsemann, M.*
Adenylation domain-guided recruitment of trans acting non-heme monooxygenases in nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis
ACS Chem Biol 2023 Jun 27
doi: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00106.
Featured on Journal Cover

48. Voss, J.H., Crüsemann, M., Bartling, C.R.O., Kehraus, S., Inoue, A., König, G.M., Strømgaard, K., Müller, C.E.
Structure-affinity and structure-residence time relationships of macrocyclic Gαq protein inhibitors
iScience 2023 26, 106492.

47. Getzke, F., Hassani, M.A., Crüsemann, M., Malisic, M., Zhang, P., Ishigaki, Y., Böhringer, N., Jiménez Fernández, A., Wang, L., Ordon, J., Ma, K.-W., Thiergart, T., Harbort, C.J., Wesseler, H., Miyauchi, S., Garrido-Oter, R., Shirasu, K., Schäberle, T.F., Hacquard, S., Schulze-Lefert, P.
Co-functioning of bacterial exometabolites drives root microbiota establishment
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2023 120, e2221508120.


46. Zhao, Y., Marschall, E., Treisman, M., McKay, A., Padva, L., Crüsemann, M., Nelson, D.R., Steer, D.L., Schittenhelm, R.B., Tailhades, J., Cryle, M.J.
Cytochrome P450Blt Enables Versatile Peptide Cyclisation to Generate Histidine and Tyrosine Containing Crosslinked Tripeptide Building Blocks
Angew Chem Int Ed 2022 61, e202204957.
Selected as “Hot Paper”

45. Klöppel, S., Richarz, R., Wirtz, D.A., Vasenda, N., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M.
A specialized dehydrogenase provides l-phenyllactate for FR900359 biosynthesis.
Chembiochem 2022 23, e202100569..
Highlighted as “VIP paper”, Featured on Journal Cover

44Crüsemann, M. (Ed.)
Natural Product Genomics and Metabolomics of Marine Bacteria
Printed Edition of Special Issue Published in Marine Drugs. MDPI 2022 ISBN 978-3-0365-3299-8 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-3300-1 (PDF), doi: (BOOK)


43. Hanke, W., Patt, J., Alenfelder, J., Voß, J.H., Zdouc, M., Kehraus, S., Kim, J., Grujicic, G., Namasivayam, V., Reher, R., Müller, C.E., Kostenis, E., Crüsemann, M., König, G.M.
Feature-Based Molecular Networking for the Targeted Identification of Gq Inhibiting FR900359 Derivatives.
J Nat Prod 2021 84, 1941-1953.

42. Hermes, C., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M.
The chromodepsins: chemistry, biology and biosynthesis of a Gq-inhibiting natural product family
Nat Prod Rep 2021 38, 2276-2292 (REVIEW).

41. Wirtz, D.A., Ludwig, K.C., Arts, M., Marx, C.E., Krannich, S., Barac, P., Kehraus, S., Josten, M., Henrichfreise, B., Müller, A., König, G.M., Peoples, A.J., Nitti, A., Spoering, A.L., Ling, L.L., Lewis, K., Crüsemann, M.*, Schneider T.*
Biosynthesis and mechanism of action of the cell wall targeting antibiotic hypeptin
Angew Chem Int Ed 2021 60, 13579-13586.
*= co-corresponding author

40Crüsemann, M.
Coupling mass spectral and genomic information to improve bacterial natural product discovery workflows
Mar Drugs 2021 19, 142 (REVIEW).

39. Patt, J., Alenfelder, J., Pfeil, E.M., Voss, J.H., Merten, N., Eryilmaz, F., Heycke, N., Rick, U., Inoue, A., Kehraus, S., Deupi, X., Müller, C.E., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M., Kostenis, E.
An experimental strategy to probe Gq contribution to signal transduction in living cells
J Biol Chem 2021 296, 100472.

38. Zdouc, M.M., Iorio, M., Vind, K., Simone, M., Serina, S., Brunati, C., Monciardin, P., Tocchetti, A., Zarazúa, G.S., Crüsemann, M., Maffioli, S.I., Sosio, M., Donadio, S.
Effective approaches to discover new microbial metabolites in a large strain library.
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 2021 48, kuab017.

37. Zdouc, M.M., Iorio, M., Maffioli, S.I., Crüsemann, M., Donadio, S., Sosio, M.
Planomonospora: a metabolomics perspective on an underexplored Actinobacteria genus
J Nat Prod 2021 84, 204-219.

36. Qi, S.S, Bogdanov, A., Cnockaert, M., Acar, T., Ranty-Roby, S., Coenye, T., Vandamme, P., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M., Carlier, A
Induction of antibiotic specialized metabolism by co-culturing in a collection of phyllosphere bacteria
Environ Microbiol 2021 23, 2132-2151.

35. Hermes, C., Richarz, R., Wirtz, D.A., Patt, J., Hanke, W., Kehraus, S., Voß, J.H., Küppers, J., Ohbayashi, T., Namasivayam, V., Alenfelder, J., Inoue, A., Mergaert, P., Gütschow, M., Müller, C.E., Kostenis, E., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M.
Thioesterase-mediated Side Chain Transesterification Generates Potent Gq Signaling Inhibitor FR900359
Nat Commun 2021 12, 144.
Highlighted by several media (e.g. GEO, MDR)

34. Schorn, M.A. Verhoeven, S. Ridder, L., Huber, F., Acharya, D.D., Aksenov, A.A. Aleti, G., Amiri Moghaddam, J., Aron, A.T., Aziz, S., Bauermeister, A., Bauman, K.D., Baunach, M., Beemelmanns, C., Beman, J.M., Berlanga-Clavero, M.V., Blacutt, A.A., Bode, H.B., Boullie, A., Brejnrod, A., Bugni, T.S., Calteau, A., Cao, L., Carrión, V.J., Castelo-Branco, R., Chanana, S., Chase, A.B., Chevrette, M.G., Costa-Lotufo, L.V., Crawford, J.M., Currie, C.R., Cuypers, B., Dang, T., de Rond, T., Demko, A.M., Dittmann, E., Du, C., Drozd, C., Dujardin, J.-C., Dutton, R.J., Edlund, A., Fewer, D.P., Garg, N., Gauglitz, J.M., Gentry, E.C., Gerwick, L., Glukhov, E., Gross, H., Gugger, M., Guillén Matus, D.G., Helfrich, E.J.N., Hempel, B.-F., Hur, J.-S., Iorio, M., Jensen, P.R., Kang, K.B., Kaysser, L., Kelleher, N.L., Kim, C.S., Kim, K.H., Koester, I., König, G.M., Leao, T., Lee, S.R., Lee, Y.-Y., Li, X., Little, J.C., Maloney, K.N., Männle, D., Martin H., C., McAvoy, A.C., Metcalf, W.W., Mohimani, H., MolinaSantiago, C., Moore, B.S., Mullowney, M.W., Muskat, M., Nothias, L.F., O'Neill, E.C., Parkinson, E.I., Petras, D., Piel, J., Pierce, E.C., Pires, K., Reher, R., Romero, D., Roper, M.C., Rust, M., Saad, H., Saenz, C., Sanchez, L.M., Sørensen, S.J., Sosio, M., Süssmuth, R.D., Sweeney, D., Tahlan, K., Thomson, R.J., Tobias, N.J., Trindade-Silva, A.E., van Wezel, G.P., Wang, M., Weldon, K.C., Zhang, F., Ziemert, N., Duncan, K.R., Crüsemann, M., Rogers, S., Dorrestein, P.C., Medema, M.H., van der Hooft, J.J.J.
A community resource for paired genomic and metabolomic data mining
Nat Chem Biol 2021 17, 363-368.

33. Zdouc, M.M., Alanjary, M.M., Zarazua, G.S., Maffioli, S.I., Crüsemann, M., Medema, M.H., Donadio, S., Sosio, M.
A biaryl-linked tripeptide from Planomonospora reveals widespread class of minimal RiPP gene clusters
Cell Chem Biol 2021, 28, 733-739.


32. Bogdanov, A., Papu, A., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Wägele, H., König, G.M.
Metabolome of the Phyllidiella pustulosa Species Complex (Nudibranchia, Heterobranchia, Gastropoda) Reveals Rare Dichloroimidic Sesquiterpene Derivatives from a Phylogenetically Distinct and Undescribed Clade
J Nat Prod 2020 83, 2785-2796.

31. Maniei, F., Moghaddam, J.A., Crüsemann, M., Beemelmanns, C., König, G.M., Wägele, H.
From Persian Gulf to Indonesia: Interrelated phylogeographic distance and chemistry within the genus Peronia (Onchidiidae, Gastropoda, Mollusca)
Sci. Rep. 2020 10, 13048.

30. Rajabi, H., Zolgharnein, H., Ronagh, M.T., Moghaddam, J.A., Crüsemann, M.
Conus coronatus and Conus frigidus Venom: a New Source of Conopeptides with Analgesic Activity
Avicenna J Med Biotechnol2020 12, 179-185.


29. Libor, B., Harms, H., Kehraus, S., Egereva, E., Crüsemann, M., König, G.M.
Isolation of fungi using the diffusion chamber device FIND technology
Beilstein J Org Chem. 2019 15, 2191-2203.

28. Malfacini, D., Patt, J., Annala, S., Harpsøe, K., Eryilmaz, F., Reher, R., Crüsemann, M., Hanke, W., Zhang, H., Tietze, D., Gloriam, D.E., Bräuner-Osborne, H., Strømgaard, K., König, G.M., Inoue, A., Gomeza, J., Kostenis, E.
Rational design of a heterotrimeric G protein α subunit with artificial inhibitor sensitivity
J Biol Chem 2019 294, 5747-5758.

27. Linares-Otoya, L., Liu, Y., Linares-Otoya, V., Armas-Mantilla, L., Crüsemann, M., Ganoza-Yupanqui, M.L., Campos-Florian, J., König, G.M., Schäberle, T.F.
Biosynthetic Basis for Structural Diversity of Aminophenylpyrrole-Derived Alkaloids
ACS Chem Biol 2019 14, 176–181.


26. Amiri Moghaddam, J., Crüsemann, M., Alanjary, M., Harms, H., Dávila-Céspedes, A., Blom, J, Poehlein, A., Ziemert, N, M. König, G.M., Schäberle, T.F.
Analysis of the Genome and Metabolome of Marine Myxobacteria Reveals High Potential for Biosynthesis of Novel Specialized Metabolites
Sci Rep 2018, 8 16600

25. Amiri Moghaddam, J., Dávila-Céspedes, A., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Köse, M., Müller, C.E., König, G.M.
Cyclopropane-Containing Fatty Acids from the Marine Bacterium Labrenzia sp. 011 with Antimicrobial and GPR84 Activity
Mar Drugs 2018 16, pii: E369.

24. Harms, H., Klöckner, A., Schrör, J., Josten, M., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Hanke, W., Schneider, T., Schäberle, T.F., König, G.M.
Antimicrobial Dialkylresorcins from Marine-Derived Microorganisms: Insights into Their Mode of Action and Putative Ecological Relevance
Planta Med 2018 Jul 10. doi: 10.1055/a-0653-7451.

23. Reher, R., Kuschak, M., Heycke, N., Annala, S., Kehraus, S., Dai, H-F., Müller, C.E., Kostenis, E., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M.
Applying Molecular Networking for the Detection of Natural Sources and Analogues of the Selective Gq Protein Inhibitor FR900359
J Nat Prod 2018 81, 1628-1635.

22. Reher, R., Kühl, T., Annala, S., Benkel, T., Kaufmann, D., Nubbemeyer, B., Odhiambo, J.P., Heimer, P., Bäuml, C.A., Kehraus, S., Crüsemann, M., Kostenis, E., Tietze, D., König, G.M. and Imhof, D.
Deciphering specificity determinants for FR900359-derived Gαq inhibitors based on computational and structure-activity studies
ChemMedChem 2018 13, 1634-1643.
Featured on Front Cover


a) Crüsemann, M., Reher, R., Schamari, I., Brachmann, A.O., Ohbayashi, T., Kuschak, M., Malfacini, D., Seidinger, A., Pinto-Carbó, M., Richarz, R., Reuter, T., Kehraus, S., Hallab, A., Attwood, M., Schiöth, H.B., Mergaert, P., Kikuchi, Y., Schäberle, T.F., Kostenis, E., Wenzel, D., Müller, C.E., Piel, J., Carlier, A., Eberl, L., König, G.M.
Heterologous expression, biosynthetic studies and ecological function of the selective Gq-signaling inhibitor FR900359
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2017 Dec 1. doi: 10.1002/anie.201707996.

b) Crüsemann, M., Reher, R., Schamari, I., Brachmann, A.O., Ohbayashi, T., Kuschak, M., Malfacini, D., Seidinger, A., Pinto-Carbó, M., Richarz, R., Reuter, T., Kehraus, S., Hallab, A., Attwood, M., Schiöth, H.B., Mergaert, P., Kikuchi, Y., Schäberle, T.F., Kostenis, E., Wenzel, D., Müller, C.E., Piel, J., Carlier, A., Eberl, L., König, G.M.
Heterologe Expression, Biosynthese und ökologische Funktion des selektiven Gq-Signaltransduktionsinhibitors FR900359.
Angew Chem. 2017 Dec 1. doi: 10.1002/ange.201707996.

20. Linares-Otoya, L., Linares-Otoya, V., Armas-Mantilla, L., Blanco-Olano, C., Crüsemann, M., Ganoza-Yupanqui, M.L., Campos-Florian, J., König, G.M., Schäberle, T.F.
Diversity and Antimicrobial Potential of Predatory Bacteria from the Peruvian Coastline
Mar. Drugs 2017, 15, 308; doi:10.3390/md15100308

19. Linares-Otoya, L., Linares-Otoya, V., Armas-Mantilla, L., Blanco-Olano, C., Crüsemann, M., Ganoza-Yupanqui, M.L., Campos-Florian, J., König, G.M., Schäberle, T.F.
Identification and heterologous expression of the kocurin biosynthetic gene cluster
Microbiology2017 Sep 25. doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000538.

18. Barra, L., Barac, P., König, G.M., Crüsemann, M., Dickschat, J.S.
Volatiles from the fungal microbiome of the marine sponge Callyspongia cf. flammea
Org Biomol Chem. 2017, 15, 7411-7421.

17. Bruns, H.*, Crüsemann, M.*, Letzel, A.C., Alanjary, M., McInerney, J.O., Jensen, P.R., Schulz, S., Moore, B.S., Ziemert, N.
Function-related replacement of bacterial siderophore pathways
ISME J 2017 Aug 15. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2017.137.
* = Co-first author

16. Larson, C.B., Crüsemann, M., Moore, B.S.
PCR-Independent Method of Transformation-Associated Recombination Reveals the Cosmomycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster in an Ocean Streptomycete
J Nat Prod. 2017 Mar 23. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.6b01121.

15Crüsemann, M., O’Neill, E.C., Larson, C.B., Melnik, A.V., Floros, D.J., da Silva, R.R., Jensen, P.R., Dorrestein, P.C., Moore, B.S.
Prioritizing Natural Product Diversity in a Collection of 146 Bacterial Strains Based on Growth and Extraction Protocols
J Nat Prod. 2017 80, 588-597.

14. Hufendiek, P., Stölben, S.S., Kehraus, S., Merten, N., Harms, H., Crüsemann, M., Arslan, I., Gütschow, M., Schneider, T., König, G.M.
Biosynthetic Studies on Acetosellin and Structure Elucidation of a New Acetosellin Derivative
Planta Med. 2017 Jan 12. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-124493.


13. Dávila-Céspedes, A.*, Hufendiek, P.*, Crüsemann, M.*, Schäberle, T.F., König, G.M.
Marine-derived myxobacteria of the suborder Nannocystineae: An underexplored source of structurally intriguing and biologically active metabolites
Beilstein J Org Chem. 2016, 12, 969-84.
* = Co-first author

12. Wang, M., Carver, J.,Phelan, V.,Sanchez, L.M., Garg, N., Peng, Y., Nguyen, D.D., Watrous, J., Kapono, C.A., Luzzatto-Knaan, T., Porto, C., Bouslimani, A., Melnik, A.V., Meehan, M.J., Liu, W.-T., Crüsemann, M., Boudreau, P.D., Esquenazi, E., Sandoval-Calderón, M., Kersten, R.D., Pace, L.A., Quinn, R.A., Duncan, K.D., Hsu, C.-C., Floros, D.F., Gavilan, R., Kleigrewe, K., Northen, T., Dutton, R., Parrot, D., Carlson, E., Aigle, B., Michelsen, C., Jelsbak, L., Sohlenkamp, C., Pevzner, P., Edlund, A., McLean, J., Piel, J., Murphy, B., Gerwick, L., Liaw, C.-C., Yang, Y.-L., Humpf, H.-U., Mansson, M., Keyzers, R., Sims, A., Johnson, A., Sidebottom, A., Sedio, B., Klitgaard, A., Larson, C., Boya, C.A., Torres-Mendoza, D., Gonzalez, D., Silva, D., Marques, L., Demarque, D., Pociute, E., O'Neill, E., Briand, E., Helfrich, E., Granatosky, E., Glukhov, E., Ryffel, F., Houson, H., Mohimani, H., Kharbush, J., Zeng, J., Vorholt, J., Kurita, K., Charusanti, P., McPhail, K., Nielsen, K., Vuong, L., Elfeki, M., Traxler, M., Engene, N., Koyama, N., Vining, O., Baric, R., Silva, R., Mascuch, S., Tomasi, S., Jenkins, S., Macherla, V., Hoffmann, T., Agarwal, V., Williams, P., Dai, J., Neupane, R., Gurr, J., Rodríguez, A., Lamsa, A., Zhang, C., Dorrestein, K., Duggan, B., Almaliti, J.; Allard, P.-M., Phapale, P., Nothias, L.-F., Alexandrov, T., Litaudon, M., Wolfender, J.-L., Kyle, J., Metz, T., Peryea, T., Nguyen, D.-T., Leer, D. V., Shinn, P., Jadhav, A., Müller, R., Waters, K., Shi, W., Liu, X., Zhang, L., Knight, R., Jensen, P.R., Palsson, B., Pogliano, K., Linington, R., Gutiérrez, M., Lopes, N., Gerwick, W., Moore, B.S., Dorrestein, P.C., Bandeira, N.
Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking. Nat. Biotechnol.2016, 34, 828–837.
highlighted in: Doerr, A.: Crowdsourcing for natural products research. Nature Methods 2016, 13, 812-813. Horsman, M.E., Boddy, C.N.: Natural products: Mapping an amazing thicket. Nat Chem Biol. 2016, 13, 6-7.

11. Cha, J.-Y., Han, S., Hong, H.-J., Cho, H., Kim, D., Kwon, Y., Kwon, S.-K., Crüsemann, M., Lee, Y.-B., Kim, J.F., Giaever, G., Nislow, C., Moore, B.S., Thomashow, L.S., Weller, D.M., Kwak, Y.-S.
Microbial and biochemical basis of a Fusarium wilt suppressive soil
ISME J. 2016, 10, 119-29.


10. Awakawa, T., Crüsemann, M., Munguia, J., Ziemert, N., Nizet, V., Fenical, W., Moore, B.S.
Salinipyrone and Pacificanone Are Biosynthetic By-products of the Rosamicin Polyketide Synthase
Chembiochem 2015, 16, 1443-1447.

9. Duncan, K.R.*, Crüsemann, M.*, Lechner, A.*, Sarkar, A., Li, J., Ziemert, N., Wang, M., Bandeira, N., Moore, B.S., Dorrestein, P.C., Jensen, P.R.
Molecular Networking and Pattern-Based Genome Mining Improves Discovery of Biosynthetic Gene Clusters and their Products from Salinispora Species
Chem Biol 2015, 22, 460-71.
* = Co-first author

8. Bonet, B., Teufel, R., Crüsemann, M., Ziemert, N., Moore B.S.
Direct capture and heterologous expression of Salinispora natural product genes for the biosynthesis of enterocin
J Nat Prod 2015, 78, 539-542.


7. Wilson, M.C., Mori, T., Rückert, C., Uria, A.R., Helf, M.J., Takada, K., Gernert, C., Steffens, U., Heycke, N., Schmitt, S., Rinke, C., Helfrich, E.J.N., Brachmann, A.O., Gurgui, C., Wakimoto, T., Kracht, M., Crüsemann, M., Hentschel, U., Abe, I., Matsunaga, S., Kalinowski, J., Takeyama, H., Piel, J.
Discovery of an environmental bacterial taxon with a large and distinct metabolic repertoire
Nature 2014, 506, 58-62.
highlighted in: Jaspars, M., Challis, G.: Microbiology: A talented genus. Nature 2014, 506, 38-39.

6. Schmidt, Y., van der Voort, M., Crüsemann, M., Piel, J., Josten, M., Sahl, H.-G., Miess, H., Raaijmakers, J.M., Gross, H.
Biosynthetic origin of the antibiotic cyclocarbamate brabantamide A (SB-253514) in plant-associated Pseudomonas. Chembiochem 2014, 15, 259–266.

5. Bouhired, S.M., Crüsemann, M., Almeida, C., Weber, T., Piel, J,. Schäberle, T.F, König, G.M.
Biosynthesis of phenylnannolone A, a MDR reversal agent from the halotolerant myxobacterium Nannocystis pusilla B150
Chembiochem 2014, 15, 757-765.


4. Bäcker, C., Jenett-Siems. K., Siems, K., Wurster, M., Bodtke, A., Chamseddin, C., Crüsemann, M., Lindequist, U.
Triterpene glycosides from the leaves of Pittosporum angustifolium
Planta Med 2013 79, 1461-1469.

3. Cai, X., Teta, R., Kohlhaas, C., Crüsemann, M., Ueoka, R., Mangoni, A., Freeman, M.F., Piel, J.
Manipulation of regulatory genes reveals complexity and fidelity in hormaomycin biosynthesis
Chem Biol 2013 20 (6) 839-846.

2Crüsemann, M., Kohlhaas, C., Piel, J.
Evolution-guided engineering of nonribosomal peptide synthetase adenylation domains
Chem Sci 2013 (4) 1041-1045.


1. Höfer, I., Crüsemann, M., Radzom, M., Geers, B., Flachshaar, D., Cai, X., Zeeck, A., Piel, J.: Insights into the biosynthesis of hormaomycin, an exceptionally complex bacterial signaling metabolite. Chem Biol 2011 18 (3) 381-391.

highlighted in: Jones, A.C., Monroe, E.A., Gerwick, W.H.: Elegant metabolite biosynthesis. Chem Biol 2011 18 (3) 281-283.

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