Prof. Dr. Evi Kostenis

Professor of Pharmaceutical Biology

Managing Director

Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology
Molecular, Cellular and Pharmacobiology Section


Research pursued in our group deals with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest family of membrane proteins in the human genome, and their associated signaling networks.

We are particularly interested in the molecular mechanisms that GPCRs utilize to engage with their downstream effectors, such as but not limited to heterotrimeric G proteins and arrestins, and attempt to elucidate the cellular consequences originating therefrom. Among others, we explore the roles of GPCRs and their associated signaling pathways in health and disease paradigms using a wide variety of functional assay technologies.

Our signal transduction platform relies on state-of-the-art instrumentation for detection of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)- and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). For example, we use FRET- and BRET-based biosensors to monitor protein conformational changes or protein-protein interactions in response to ligand-activated GPCRs. We also employ FRET- and BRET-based techniques to follow second messenger formation and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, as well as label-free biosensor platforms based on detection of dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) and bio-impedance. With a Zeiss Apotome fluorescence microscope we follow the (sub-)cellular fate of receptors alone or together with their downstream effectors.

Essential to our overall endeavor is the use of well-validated cell models generated by CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing as well as pharmacological tools to specifically disrupt the function of individual GPCRs and/or their downstream signaling networks.

With our cellular manipulations we aim to unravel general principles and basic mechanisms underlying GPCR and G protein function, and how these can be translated to and exploited for development of innovative therapies.

Avatar Kostenis

Prof. Dr. Evi Kostenis


Nußallee 6

53115 Bonn


since 2006 W3 Professor (Full Professor) for Pharmaceutical Biology at the University of Bonn
2002 - 2006 Head of in vitro Pharmacology, 7TM Pharma, Hørsholm, Denmark
2001 - 2002 Global GPCR project coordinator, Aventis Pharma Frankfurt, Germany
1999 - 2001 Group Leader in early drug discovery, cardiovascular disease group, Aventis Pharma Frankfurt, Germany
1997 - 1999 Visiting scientist with Dr. Jürgen Wess, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
1995 - 1997 Postdoctoral scientist as DAAD Fellow with Dr. Jürgen Wess, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
1992 - 1995 Dr. rer. nat. in Pharmacology & Toxicology, Subject: Allosteric modulation of muscarinic receptors, (summa cum laude), Prof. Dr. Klaus Mohr, University of Bonn, Germany
1990 - 1992 Full-time pharmacist in the Kurbad Apotheke, Bad Hersfeld, Germany, and freelance journalist for the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (DAZ) and the Pharmazeutische Zeitung (PZ)
1990 German licensure as pharmacist
1985 - 1989 Studies of Pharmacy, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
9/2022 Co-Chair of the 4GPCRnet International Symposium, Leipzig, Germany
9/2017 Chair of the FOR2372 International GPCR Symposium, Bonn, Germany
1/2016 - Editorial Board member of The Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC)
3/2016 -
Vice-Spokesperson, DFG-funded Research Training Group RTG1873 "Pharmacology of 7TM-receptors and downstream signaling pathways"; University of Bonn 
2/2016 - Spokesperson, DFG-funded Research Unit FOR2372 "G protein signalling cascades: with new molecular probes and modulators towards novel pharmacological concepts"; University of Bonn
4/2016 -  Member of the International advisory board of COMPARE (Center of membrane proteins and receptors, Universities of Birmingham & Nottingham)
1/2014 Editorial Board member of Molecular Pharmacology
2023 PHOENIX Pharmacy Science Prize 2023 in the Pharmaceutical Biology category
2016 Neuroallianz publication award "bronze" for the publication "The Orphan G Protein-coupled Receptor GPR17 Negatively Regulates Oligodendrocyte Differentiation via Gαi/o and Its Downstream Effector Molecules"; J Biol Chem. (2016) 291:705. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M115.683953.
2013 Neuroallianz publication award "gold" for the publication "Decoding signaling and function of the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR17 with a small-molecule agonist"; Sci Signal. (2013) 6:ra93.
2013 PHOENIX Pharmacy Science Prize 2013 in the Pharmaceutical Biology category
2013 Price for Inventors by the Ministry of North-Rhine Westfalia (Hochschul Wettbewerb Zukunft Erfinden NRW). 3rd Price: GPR17 agonists and Screening Assay
2012 Neuroallianz publication award "silver" for the publication entitled "A biased ligand for OXE-R uncouples Gα and Gβγ signalling within a heterotrimer" by Stefanie Blättermann et al.; Nat Chem. Biol. (2012) 8: 631-638
1997 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Visiting Program award
1995 Research Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


How Carvedilol activates β2-adrenoceptors

Benkel T, Zimmermann M, Zeiner J, Bravo S, Merten N, Lim VJY, Matthees E, Drube J, Miess-Tanneberg E, Malan D, Szpakowska M, Monteleone S, Grimes J, Koszegi Z, Lanoiselée Y, O’Brien S, Pavlaki N, Dobberstein N, Inoue A, Nikolaev V, Calebiro D, Chevigné A, Sasse P, Schulz S, Hoffmann C, Kolb P, Waldhoer M, Simon K, Gomeza J, Kostenis E.

Nat Commun. (2022) 13:7109

Heterotrimeric G Protein Subunit Gαq Is a Master Switch for Gβγ-Mediated Calcium Mobilization by Gi-Coupled GPCRs

Pfeil EM, Brands J, Merten N, Vögtle T, Vescovo M, Rick U, Albrecht IM, Heycke N, Kawakami K, Ono Y, Ngako Kadji FM, Hiratsuka S, Aoki J, Häberlein F, Matthey M, Garg J, Hennen S, Jobin ML, Seier K, Calebiro D, Pfeifer A, Heinemann A, Wenzel D, König GM, Nieswandt B, Fleischmann BK, Inoue A, Simon K, Kostenis E.

Mol Cell. (2020) 80:940

Direct targeting of Gαq and Gα11 oncoproteins in cancer cells

Annala S, Feng X, Shridhar N, Eryilmaz F, Patt J, Yang J, Pfeil EM, Cervantes-Villagrana RD, Inoue A, Häberlein F, Slodczyk T, Reher R, Kehraus S, Monteleone S, Schrage R, Heycke N, Rick U, Engel S, Pfeifer A, Kolb P, König G, Bünemann M, Tüting T, Vázquez-Prado J, Gutkind JS, Gaffal E, Kostenis E.

Sci Signal. (2019) 12(573)


Arrestins as rheostats of GPCR signalling

Gutkind JS, Kostenis E.

Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. (2018) 19:615

Lack of beta-arrestin signaling in the absence of active G proteins

Grundmann M, Merten N, Malfacini D, Inoue A, Preis P, Simon K, Rüttiger N, Ziegler N, Benkel T, Schmitt NK, Ishida S, Müller I, Reher R, Kawakami K, Inoue A, Rick U, Kühl T, Imhof D, Aoki J, König GM, Hoffmann C, Gomeza J, Wess J, Kostenis E.

Nat Commun. (2018) 9:341

The experimental power of FR900359 to study Gq-regulated biological processes

Schrage R, Schmitz AL, Gaffal E, Annala S, Kehraus S, Wenzel D, Büllesbach KM, Bald T, Inoue A, Shinjo Y, Galandrin S, Shridhar N, Hesse M, Grundmann M, Merten N, Charpentier TH, Martz M, Butcher AJ, Slodczyk T, Armando S, Effern M, Namkung Y, Jenkins L, Horn V, Stößel A, Tietze D, Imhof D, Galés C, Drewke C, Müller CE, Hölzel M, Milligan G, Tobin AB, Gomeza J, Dohlman HG, Sondek J, Harden TK, Bouvier M, Laporte SA, Aoki J, Fleischmann BK, Mohr K, König GM, Tüting T, Kostenis E.

Nat Commun. (2015) 6:10156

Decoding Signaling and Function of the Orphan G Protein-Coupled Receptor GPR17 with a Small Molecule Agonist

Hennen S, Wang H, Peters L, Merten N, Simon K, Spinrath A, Blättermann S, Akkari R, Schrage R, Schröder R, Schulz D, Vermeiren C, Zimmermann K, Kehraus S, Drewke C, Pfeifer A, König GM, Mohr K, Gillard M, Müller CE, Lu QR, Gomeza J, Kostenis E.

Sci Signal. (2013) 6(298).

A biased ligand for OXE-R uncouples Gα and Gβγ signaling within a heterotrimer

Blättermann S, Peters L, Otterbach PA, Bock A, Konya V, Weaver D, Gonzalez A, Schröder R, Tyagi R, Luschnig P, Gäb J, Hennen S, Ulven T, Pardo L, Mohr K, Gütschow M, Heinemann A, Kostenis E.

Nat Chem Biol. (2012) 8:631

Applying label-free dynamic mass redistribution technology to frame signaling of G protein-coupled receptors non-invasively in living cells

Schröder R, Schmidt J, Blättermann S, Peters L, Janssen N, Grundmann M, Seemann W, Kaufel D, Merten N, Drewke C, Gomeza J, Milligan G, Mohr K, Kostenis E.

Nat Protocols. (2011) 6:1748

Deconvolution of complex G protein-coupled receptor signaling in live cells using dynamic mass redistribution measurements

Schröder R, Janssen N, Schmidt J, Kebig A, Merten N, Hennen S, Müller A, Blättermann S, Mohr-Andrä M, Zahn S, Wenzel J, Smith NJ, Gomeza J, Drewke C, Milligan G, Mohr K, Kostenis E

Nat Biotechnol. (2010) 28:943.

Complete list of publications

Press releases

Bonner Pharmaforscher erhalten Hightech-Gerät

© Universität Bonn

Neuer Ansatz im Kampf gegen MS

© Foto: Haibo Wang & Richard Lu/University of Texas

Erfindungen für die Zukunft

© Foto: Provendis GmbH

Wie gestörte Zellkommunikation zu Krankheiten führt

© Foto: Evelyn Gaffal/Thomas Tüting/UKB

Herz-Medikament kurbelt Reparatur von Neuronen an

© AGs Quing Richard Lu & Evi Kostenis/Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center & Universität Bonn

Pflanzen-Wirkstoff bremst aggressiven Augenkrebs

© Volker Lannert / Uni Bonn

Fisch soll bei der Suche nach MS-Medikamenten helfen

© AG Kostenis-Gomeza / Universität Bonn

Evi Kostenis erhält den PHOENIX Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis

© Fotomontage: PHOENIX group


Dr. GPCR - Podcast

© Dr.

2023 PHOENIX Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis

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