

Vahdati S., Lamprecht A.
Membrane-Fusing Vehicles for Re-Sensitizing Transporter-Mediated Multiple-Drug Resistance in Cancer

Riemann B., Antoine T., Béduneau A., Pellequer Y., Lamprecht A., Moulari B.
Active nanoparticle targeting of MUC5AC ameliorates therapeutic outcome in experimental colitis

Faber T., McConville, Lamprecht A.
Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy provides novel insights of drug delivery phenomena
Journal of Controlled Release


Try, C., Abdel-Mottaleb, M.M.A., Béduneau, A., Moulari, B., Pazart, L., Vidal, C., Brunotte, G., Castelain, F., Lamprecht, A., Humbert, P.; et al.
Polymeric Nanoparticles’ Accumulation in Atopic Dermatitis: Clinical Comparison between Healthy, Non-Lesional, and Lesional Skin.

Kozak J., Lamprecht A,
Biorelevant in vitro drug release conditions ameliorate in-vitro-in-vivo relationship of parenteral risperidone microspheres
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology

Sayed Hanafy A, Steinlein P, Pitsch J, Hurtado Silva M, Vana N, Becker AJ, Graham ME, Schoch S, Lamprecht A, Dietrich D.
Subcellular analysis of blood-brain barrier function by micro-impalement of vessels in acute brain slices.
Nature communications

Samir M, Abdelkader RM, Shetab Boushehri M, Mansour S, Lamprecht A, Tammam SN.
Enhancement of mitochondrial function using NO releasing nanoparticles; a potential approach for therapy of Alzheimer’s disease.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics


Elahi E, Ehab Ali M, Zimmermann J, Getts DR, Müller M, Lamprecht A.
Immune Modifying Effect of Drug Free Biodegradable Nanoparticles on Disease Course of Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis.

Castaneda Ruiz AJ, Shetab Boushehri MA, Phan T, Carle S, Garidel P, Buske J, Lamprecht A.
Alternative Excipients for Protein Stabilization in Protein Therapeutics: Overcoming the Limitations of Polysorbates.

Ries M, Moulari B, Shetab Boushehri MA, Ehab Ali M, Molnar D, Beduneau A, Pellquer Y, Lamprecht A.
Adalimumab Decorated Nanoparticles Enhance Antibody Stability and Therapeutic Outcome in Epithelial Colitis Targeting.

Groß R, Berkenfeld K, Schulte C, Ebert A, Sule S, Sule A, Lamprecht A.
Effect of Texture and Surface Chemistry on Deagglomeration and Powder Retention in Capsule-Based Dry Powder Inhaler.
AAPS PharmSciTech

Kozak J, Chretien C, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Rivaroxaban lyospheres prepared by a dimethyl sulfoxide-based spray-freeze-drying process.
Int J Pharm.

Rautenberg A, Lamprecht A.
Spray-freeze-dried lyospheres: Solid content and the impact on flowability and mechanical stability.
Powder Technol.

Siefen T, Bjerregaard S, Plaksin D, Lokhnaut J, Liang A, Larsen CC,Lamprecht A.
Co-formulations of adalimumab with hyaluronic acid/polyvinylpyrrolidone to combine intraarticular drug delivery and viscosupplementation.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm

Siefen T, Bjerregaard S, Borglin C, Lamprecht A.
Assessment of joint pharmacokinetics and consequences for the intraarticular delivery of biologics.
J Control Release

Groß R, Berkenfeld K, Schulte C, Ebert A, Sule S, Sule A, Lamprecht A.
State of the Art in Capsule-Based Dry Powder Inhalers: Deagglomeration Techniques and the Consequences for Formulation Aerosolization.

Lucas D, Kozak J, Rautenberg A, Chretien C, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Designing highly porous amorphous celecoxib particles by spray freeze drying leads to accelerated drug absorption in-vivo.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm

Kappes S, Faber T, Nelleßen L, Yesilkaya T, Bock U, Lamprecht A.
Improving Transungual Permeation Study Design by Increased Bovine Hoof Membrane Thickness and Subsequent Infection.


Ravi Kumar MNV, Ehrhardt C, Schneider M, Bakowsky U, Lamprecht A.
Editorial to 'Biological Barriers to Drug Delivery'. 
Adv Drug Deliv Rev.

Sayed Hanafy A, Dietrich D, Fricker G, Lamprecht A.
Blood-brain barrier models: rationale for selection. 
Adv Drug Deliv Rev.

Shalaby KS, Ismail MI, Lamprecht A.
Cyclodextrin Complex Formation with Water-Soluble Drugs: Conclusions from Isothermal Titration Calorimetry and Molecular Modeling. 
AAPS PharmSciTech

Serim TM, Kožák J, Rautenberg A, Özdemir AN, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Spray Freeze Dried Lyospheres® for Nasal Administration of Insulin. 

Hartwig O, Shetab Boushehri MA, Shalaby KS, Loretz B, Lamprecht A, Lehr CM.
Drug delivery to the inflamed intestinal mucosa-targeting technologies and human cell culture models for better therapies of IBD. 
Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 

Jhundoo HD, Siefen T, Liang A, Schmidt C, Lokhnauth J, Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Larsen CC, Lamprecht A.
Anti-inflammatory effects of acacia and guar gum in 5-amino salicylic acid formulations in experimental colitis. 
Int J Pharm X

Jhundoo HD, Siefen T, Liang A, Schmidt C, Lokhnauth J, Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Larsen CC, Lamprecht A.
Hyaluronic Acid Increases Anti-Inflammatory Efficacy of Rectal 5-Amino Salicylic Acid Administration in a Murine Colitis Model. 
Biomol Ther (Seoul)

López Mármol Á, Denninger A, Touzet A, Dauer K, Becker T, Pöstges F, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A, Wagner KG,
The relevance of supersaturation and solubilization in the gastrointestinal tract for oral bioavailability: an in vitro vs. in vivo approach. 
Int J pharm. 

Ahmad W, Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
Polymeric matrix hydrophobicity governs saponin packing-density on nanoparticle surface and the subsequent biological interactions. 
J Colloid Interface Sci

Bachmaier RD, Monschke M, Faber T, Krome AK, Pellequer Y, Stoyanov E, Lamprecht A, Wagner KG.
In vitro and in vivo assessment of hydroxypropyl cellulose as functional additive for enabling formulations containing itraconazole. 
Int J Pharm X. 

Kozak J, Rabiskova M, Lamprecht A.,
Muscle Tissue as a Surrogate for In Vitro Drug Release Testing of Parenteral Depot Microspheres. 
AAPS PharmSciTech.

Otterbach A, Lamprecht A.
Enhanced Skin Permeation of Estradiol by Dimethyl Sulfoxide Containing Transdermal Patches.

Siefen T, Lokhnauth J, Liang A, Larsen CC, Lamprecht A.
An ex-vivo model for transsynovial drug permeation of intraarticular injectables in naive and arthritic synovium.
J Control Release.

Kozak J, Rabiskova M, Lamprecht A.
In-vitro drug release testing of parenteral formulations via an agarose gel envelope to closer mimic tissue firmness.
Int J Pharm.


Jhundoo HD, Siefen T, Liang A, Schmidt C, Lokhnauth J, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Larsen CC, Lamprecht A.
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Chitosan and 5-Amino Salicylic Acid Combinations in Experimental Colitis. 

Berkenfeld K, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
(Solvato-) Polymorphism of Formulations of Rifampicin for Pulmonary Drug Delivery Prepared Using a Crystallization/ Spray Drying Process. 
Int J Pharm

Grizić D, Lamprecht A.
Process parameters of microsphere preparation based on propylene carbonate emulsion-precursors. 
J Microencapsul.

Hanafy AS, Schoch S, Lamprecht A.
CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery Potentials in Alzheimer's Disease Management: A Mini Review. 

Putzke S, Feldhues E, Heep I, Ilg T, Lamprecht A.
Cationic Lipid/pDNA Complex Formation as Potential Generic Method to Generate Specific IRF Pathway Stimulators. 
Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 

Grizić D, Lamprecht A. 
Predictability of drug encapsulation and release from propylene carbonate/PLGA microparticles. 
Int J Pharm.

Farid M, Faber T, Dietrich D, Lamprecht A. 
Cell membrane fusing liposomes for cytoplasmic delivery in brain endothelial cells. 
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces

Wanning S, Süverkrüp R, Lamprecht A. 
Impact of excipient choice on the aerodynamic performance of inhalable spray-freeze-dried powders. 
Int J Pharm.

Youshia J, Ali ME, Stein V, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticles' properties modify cell type-dependent distribution in immune cells.

Shetab Boushehri MA, Dietrich D, Lamprecht A.
Nanotechnology as a Platform for the Development of Injectable Parenteral Formulations: A Comprehensive Review of the Know-Hows and State of the Art.

Chaudhry SR, Kinfe TM, Lamprecht A, Niemelä M, Dobreva G, Hänggi D, Muhammad S.
Elevated level of cerebrospinal fluid and systemic chemokine CCL5 is a predictive biomarker of clinical outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). 

Berkenfeld K, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
Inhalable Formulations of Rifampicin by Spray Drying of Supersaturated Aqueous Solutions. 
Eur J Pharm Biopharm

Moulari B, Shetab Boushehri MA, Pais de Barros JP, Faber T, Béduneau A, Lagrost L, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Nanosphere-shaped ammonio methacrylate copolymers: converting a pharmaceutical inactive ingredient to efficient therapeutics for experimental colitis. 

Berkenfeld K, Hauschild K, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
Cascade Impactor Performance of Commercial pMDI Formulations Using Modified Induction Ports. 
Mol Pharm.

Chaudhry SR, Kahlert UD, Kinfe TM, Lamprecht A, Niemelä M, Hänggi D, Muhammad S. 
Elevated Systemic IL-10 Levels Indicate Immunodepression Leading to Nosocomial Infections after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) in Patients. 
Int J Mol Sci

Berkenfeld K, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
Inhalable dry powders of rifampicin highlighting potential and drawbacks in formulation development for experimental tuberculosis aerosol therapy 
Expert Opin Drug Deliv.

Touzet A, Pfefferlé F, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y.
Formulation of Ketoconazole Nanocrystal-Based Cryopellets. 
AAPS PharmSciTech.

Al Zaitone B, Al-Zahrani A, Al-Shahrani S, Lamprecht A.
Drying of a single droplet of dextrin: Drying kinetics modeling and particle formation. 
Int J Pharm.

El-Safy S, Tammam SN, Abdel-Halim M, et al.
Collagenase loaded chitosan nanoparticles for digestion of the collagenous scar in liver fibrosis: the effect of chitosan intrinsic collagen binding on the success of targeting. 
Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 

Berkenfeld K, McConville JT, Lamprecht A. 
Inhalable Formulations of Rifampicin by Spray Drying of Supersaturated Aqueous Solutions. 
Eur J Pharm Biopharm.


Chaudhry SR, Frede S, Seifert G, Kinfe TM, Niemelä M, Lamprecht A, Muhammad S.
Temporal profile of serum mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH). 

Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
Challenges of using lipopolysaccharides for cancer immunotherapy and potential delivery-based solutions thereto. 
Ther Deliv.

Lorscheidt S, Shetab Boushehri MA, Klaschik S, Lamprecht A.
Sub-cytotoxic doses of pharmaceutical silica nanoparticles show significant impact on the proteome of HepG2 cells. 
J Control Release.

Castellani C, Fedrigo M, Tavano R, Cappellini R, Fedeli C, Mognato M, Abdel-Mottaleb MMA, Lamprecht A, Tudorancea I, Porumb V, Iliescu R, Angelini A, Papini E, Dimofte G.
Tumor-facing hepatocytes significantly contribute to mild hyperthermia-induced targeting of rat liver metastasis by PLGA-NPs. 
Int J Pharm.

Kozak J, Rabiskova M, Lamprecht A.
Silk Fibroin as a Novel Alcohol-Resistant Excipient for Sustained-Release Tablet Formulation. 
AAPS PharmSciTech.

Shetab Boushehri MA, Yazeji T, Stein V, Lamprecht A.
Modulation of Nanostructure-Based Lipopolysaccharide Active Immunotherapy in Cancer: Size and Composition Determine Short- and Long-Term Tolerability. 
Mol Pharm.

Ramadan S, Tammam SN, Shetab Boushehri MA, Breitinger HG, Breitinger U, Mansour S, Lamprecht A.
Liposomal delivery of functional transmembrane ion channels into the cell membranes of target cells; a potential approach for the treatment of channelopathies. 
Int J Biol Macromol.

Tahir MA, Ali ME, Lamprecht A
Nanoparticle formulation as recrystallization inhibitors in transdermal patches. 
Int J Pharm.


Chaudhry SR, Frede S, Seifert G, Knife T, Niemelä M, Lamprecht A, Muhammad S.
Temporal profile of serum mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).

Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
TLR4-based immunotherapeutics in cancer: a review of the achievements and shortcomings. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 
Chaudhry SR, Hafez A, Rezai Jahromi B, Knife T, Lamprecht A, Niemelä M, Muhammad S. Role of damage associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH).
International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Chaudhry SR, Güresir A, Stoffel-Wagner B, Fimmers R, Kinfe TM, Dietrich D, Lamprecht A, Vatter H, Güresir E, Muhammad S.
Systemic high-mobility group box-1: a novel predictive biomarker for cerebral vasospasm in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Critical Care Medicine.

Shetab Boushehri MA, Abdel-Motalleb MMA, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
A nanoparticle-based approach to improve the outcome of cancer immunotherapy with lipopolysaccharides.
Drug Delivery. 

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A.
Nuclear and cytoplasmic delivery of lactoferrin in glioma using chitosan nanoparticles: Cellular location dependent-action of lactoferrin.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Grizić D, Lamprecht A.
Microparticle preparation by a propylene carbonate emulsification-extraction method.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Shetab Boushehri MA, Stein V, Lamprecht A.
Cargo-free particles of ammonio methacrylate copolymers: From pharmaceutical inactive ingredients to effective anticancer immunotherapeutics.

Cornu R, Rougier N, Pellequer  Y, Lamprecht A, Hamon P, Li R, Beduneau A, Martin H.
Interspecies differences in the cytochrome P450activity of hepatocytes exposed to PLGA and silicananoparticles: anin vitroandin vivoinvestigation.

Touzet A, Pfefferlé F, van der Wel P, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y.
Active Freeze Drying for production of nanocrystal-based powder: a pilot study. 
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Richter C, Lipperheide C, Lipke U, Lamprecht A.
Impact of extractables from rubber closures on protein stability under heat stress. 
Eur J Pharm Biopharm


Chaudhry SR, Stoffel-Wagner B, Kinfe TM, Güresir E, Vatter H, Dietrich D, Lamprecht A, Muhammad S.
Elevated systemic IL-6 levels in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is an unspecific marker for post-SAH complications.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Berkenfeld K, Bernauer M, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
Investigating cascade Impactor performance using a modified 3D printed induction port.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Chaudhry SR, Güresir E, Vatter H, Kinfe TM, Lamprecht A, Muhammad S.
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage lead to systemic upregulation of IL-23/IL-17 inflammatory axis.

Youshia J, Ali ME, Lamprecht A. 
Artificial Neural Network based Particle Size Prediction of Polymeric Nanoparticles.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Singh MS, Tammam SN, Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
MDR in cancer, addressing the underlying molecular alterations with the use of nanocarriers.
Pharmacological Research.

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A.
The effect of nanoparticle size and NLS density on nuclear targeting in cancer and normal cells; impaired nuclear import and abarrent nanoparticle intracellular trafficking in glioma.
Journal of Controlled Release.

Yaziji T, Moulari B, Beduneau A, Stein V, Dietrich D, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Nanoparticle-based delivery enhances anti-inflammatory effect of low molecular weight heparin in experimental ulcerative colitis.
Drug Delivery.

Ali ME, Lamprecht A. 
Spray freeze drying as an alternative technique for lyophilization of polymeric and lipid-based nanoparticles. 
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.


Tammam SN, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticles in drug delivery: Innovation and Prodeuction.
In book: Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Innovation and Production.

Wanning S, Süverkrüp R, Lamprecht A. 
Aerodynamic droplet stream expansion for the production of spray freeze-dried powders.
AAPS PharmSciTech.

Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Lamprecht A.
In vivo skin penetration of macromolecules in irritant contact dermatitis.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Muftah S, Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Lamprecht A. 
Buccal delivery of low molecular weight heparin by cationic polymethacrylate nanoparticles.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Wanning S, Süverkrüp R, Lamprecht A. 
Jet-vortex spray freeze drying for the production of inhalable lyophilisate powders.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Lorscheidt S, Lamprecht A. 
Safety assessment of nanoparticles for drug delivery by means of classic in vitro assays and beyond.
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery.

Tammam SN, Malek P, Correa D, Rothfuss O, Lamprecht A, Schulze-Osthoff K. 
Nuclear delivery of recombinant OCT4 by chitosan nanoparticles for transgene-free generation of protein-induced pluripotent stem cells.

Süverkrüp R, Wanning S, Lamprecht A. 
Continuous atmospheric dropletstream freeze-drying processes development and laboratory system.

Cosse A, König C, Lamprecht A, Wagner KG.
Hot melt extrusion for sustained protein release: matrix erosion and in vitro release of PLGA implants.
AAPS PharmSciTech. 

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A.
How successful is nuclear targeting by nanocarriers?
Journal of Controlled Release.

Süverkrüp R, Eggerstedt S, Wanning S, Kuschel M, Lamprecht A.
Collisions and coalescence in droplet streams for the production of freeze-dried powders.
Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces

Grizic D, Heimer P, Veranic E, Imhof D, Lamprecht A. 
Propylene Carbonate Quantification by its Derivative 3,5-Diacetyl-1,4-Dihydro-2,6-Lutidine.

Dubray O, Jannin V, Demarne F, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A, Béduneau A.
In-vitro investigation regarding the effects of Gelucire® 44/14 and Labrasol® ALF on the secretory intestinal transport of P-gp substrates.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Dubray O, Moulari B, Chrétien C, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A, Mitaine-Offer AC, Lacaille-Dubois MA, Béduneau A.
Triterpenoid Saponins from the Caryophyllaceae Family Modulate the Efflux Activity of the P-Glycoprotein in an In Vitro Model of Intestinal Barrier.
Planta Med. 

Abbas Y, Azzazy HM, Tammam S, Lamprecht A, Ali ME, Schmidt A, Sollazzo S, Mathur S.
Development of an inhalable, stimuli-responsive particulate system for delivery to deep lung tissue.
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.


Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Lamprecht A.  
Polymeric Nano (and Micro) Particles as Carriers for Enhanced Skin Penetration.
in book: Percutaneous Penetration Enhancers Chemical Methods in Penetration Enhancement

Youshia J, Lamprecht A. 
Size-dependent nanoparticulate drug delivery in inflammatory bowel diseases.
Expert opinion on Drug Delivery.

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A. 
A high throughput method for quantification of cell surface bound and internalized chitosan nanoparticles.
International Journal of Biomedical Macromolecules.

Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Stability of fluorescent labels in PLGA polymeric nanoparticles: Quantum dots versus organic dyes.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Singh MS, Lamprecht A. 
P-glycoprotein inhibition of drug resistant cell lines by nanoparticles.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.

Berkenfeld K, Lamprecht A, McConville JT. 
Devices for Dry Powder Drug Delivery to the Lung.
AAPS PharmSciTech.

Singh MS, Juvale K, Wiese M, Lamprecht A. 
Evaluation of dual P-GP-BCRP inhibitors as nanoparticle formulation.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Singh MS, Lamprecht A.
P-glycoprotein inhibition of drug resistant cell lines by nanoparticles.
Drug Development Industrial Pharmacy

Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticles as drug carriers: current issues with in-vitro testing.
Nanomedicine (Lond.).

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A.
Chitosan nanoparticles for nuclear targeting: the effect of nanoparticle size and nuclear localization sequence density.
Molecular Pharmaceutics.

Wanning S, Süverkrüp R, Lamprecht A.
Pharmaceutical spray-freeze drying.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Tammam SN, Azzazy HME, Lamprecht A.
Biodegredable particulate carrier formulation and tuning for targeted drug delivery.
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 

Lamprecht A.
Nanomedicine in gastroenterology and hepatology.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Nieto Montesinos RM, Beduneau A, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y.
Liposomes co-loaded with elacridar and tariquidar to modulate the P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier.
Molecular Pharmaceutics

Okunlola A, Odeku OA, Lamprecht A, Oyagbemi AA, Oridupa OA, Aina OO.
Design of cissus-alginate microbeads revealing mucoprotection properties in anti-inflammatory therapy.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Antoine D, Pellequer Y, Tempesta C, Lorscheidt S, Kettel B, Tamaddon L, Jannin V, Demarne F, Lamprecht A, Béduneau A.
Biorelevant media resistant co-culture model mimicking permeability of human intestine.
International Journal Pharmaceutics


Ali ME, McConville JT, Lamprecht A.
Pulmonary delivery of anti-inflammatory agents.
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery.

Singh MS, Lamprecht A. 
Cargoing P-gp inhibitors via nanoparticle sensitizes tumor cells against doxorubicin.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Francis D, Muftah S, Steffen R, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Ion milling coupled field emission scanning electron microscopy reveals current misunderstanding of morphology of polymeric nanoparticles.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Schlüter A, Lamprecht A.
Current developments for the oral delivery of heparin.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Try C,  Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Nanomedicine strategies for targeting skin inflammation.
Nanomedicine (Lond.)

Wachsmann P, Lamprecht A.
Ethylcellulose nanoparticles with bimodal size distribution as precursors for the production of very small nanoparticles.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.

Ali ME, Lamprecht A.
Spray freeze drying for dry powder inhalation of nanoparticles.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 

Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Lectin-decorated nanoparticles enhance binding to the inflamed tissue in experimental colitis.
Journal of Controlled Release

Béduneau A, Tempesta C, Fimbel S, Pellequer Y, Jannin V, Demarne F, Lamprecht A.
A tunable Caco-2/HT29-MTX co-culture model mimicking variable permeabilities of the human intestine obtained by an original seeding procedure.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Nieto Montesinos R, Moulari B, Gromand J, Beduneau A, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y.
Co-administration of P-glycoprotein modulators on loperamide pharmacokinetics and brain distribution.
Drug Metabolism and Disposition


Ali ME, Lamprecht A. 
Polyethylene Glycol as an alternative polymer solvent for Nanoparticle Preparation. 
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Wachsmann P, Moulari B, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Surfactant-dependence of nanoparticle treatment in murine experimental colitis.
Journal of Controlled Release. 

Süverkrüp R, Eggerstedt S, Gruner K, Kuschel M, Lamprecht A. 
Collisions in fast droplet streams for the production of spherolyophilisates.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 

Viehof A, Lamprecht A.
Oral delivery of low molecular weight heparin by polyaminomethacrylate coacervates.
Pharmaceutical Research.

Allhenn D, Neumann D, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.  
A “drug cocktail” delivered by microspheres for the local treatment of rat glioblastoma.
Journal of Microencapsulation.

Al Zeitone B, Lamprecht A. 
Single droplet drying step characterization in microsphere preparation.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces

Viehof A, Lamprecht A.
Oral delivery of low molecular weight heparin by polyaminomethacrylate coacervates.
Pharmaceutical Research.

Odeku OA, Okunlola A, Lamprecht A.
Microbead design for sustained drug release using four natural gums.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Gajdziok J, Bautzová T, Rabišková M, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
The gastroprotective effect of oxycellulose pellets on gastric ulcers.

Morales JO, Joks GM, Lamprecht A, Ross AC, McConville JT.
A design of experiments to optimize a new manufacturing process for high activity protein-containing submicron particles.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticle targeting to inflamed tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.
Current Drug Delivery


Wachsmann P, Lamprecht A. 
Polymeric nanoparticles for the selective therapy of inflammatory bowel disease.
Methods in Ezymology.

Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Moulari B, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Surface-charge-dependent nanoparticles accumulation in inflamed skin.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Eggerstedt S, Dietzel M, Sommerfeld M, Süverkrüp R, Lamprecht A.  
Protein spheres prepared by drop jet freeze drying.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Abdel-Mottaleb MA, Moulari B, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Nanoparticles enhance therapeutic outcome in inflamed skin therapy.
European Journal of Pharmeceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Niebel W, Walkenbach K, Beduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A. 
Nanoparticle-based clodronate delivery mitigates murine experimental colitis.
Journal of Controlled Release. 

Buske J, König C, Eggerstedt S, Lamprecht A, Wagner KG. 
Influence of PEG in PEG-PLGA microspheres on particle properties and protein release.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 

Allhenn D, Shetab Boushehri MA, Lamprecht A.
Drug delivery strategies for the treatment of malignant gliomas.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

Nieto Montesinos R, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Delivery of P-glycoprotein substrates using chemosensitizers and nanotechnology for selective and efficient therapeutics outcomes.
Journal of Controlled Release

Bautzová T, Rabišková M, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Bioadhesive pellets increase local 5-aminosalicylic acid concentration in experimental colitis.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Rabišková M, Bautzová T, Gajdziok J, Dvořáčková K, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y, Spilková J.
Coated chitosan pellets containing rutin intended for the treatment of IBD:  In vitro characteristics and in vivo evaluation.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics


Maupas C, Moulari B, Béduneau A, Lamprecht A, Pellequer Y.
Surfactant dependent toxicity of lipid nanocapsules in HaCaT cells.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Ulbrich W, Lamprecht A.
Fluorimetric quantification of clodronate and alendronate in aqueous samples and in serum.

Allhenn D, Lamprecht A.
Microsphere preparation using the untoxic solvent glycofurol.
Pharmaceutical Research

Abdel-Mottaleb M, Lamprecht A.
Standardized in-vitro drug release test for colloidal drug carriers using modified USP dissolution apparatus I.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 

Dhalleine C, Assifaoui A, Moulari B, Pellequer Y, Cayot P, Lamprecht A, Chambin O.
Zinc-pectinate beads as an in-vivo self-assembling system for pulsatile drug delivery.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Bautzova T, Rabiskova M, Lamprecht A.
Multiparticulate systems containing 5-ASA for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy


Kietzmann D, Moulari B, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Colonic delivery of carboxyfluorescein by pH-sensitive microspheres in experimental colitis.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 

Lamprecht A.
Selective nanoparticle adhesion can enhance colitis therapy.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Abdel-Mottaleb M, Neumann D, Lamprecht A.
In vitro drug release mechanism from lipid nanocapsules (LNC).
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Neumann D, Merkwirth C, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticle design characterized by in-silico preparation parameter prediction using ensemble models.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 

Ulbrich W, Lamprecht, A.
Targeted drug-delivery approaches by nanoparticulate carriers in the therapy of inflammatory diseases.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 

Hecht L, Lamprecht A.
Intramuskuläre Applikation von Depotmedikamenten.


Sheikh Hassan A, Sapin A, Lamprecht A, Emond E, Ghazouani FE, Maincent P.
Composite microparticles with in vivo reduction of the burst release effect.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Coch C, Busch N, Wimmenauer V, Hartmann E, Janke M, Abdel-Mottaleb M, Lamprecht A, Ludwig J, Barchet W, Schlee M, Hartmann G.
Higher activation of TLR9 in plasmacytoid dendritic cells by microbial DNA compared to self DNA based on CpG specific recognition of phosphodiester DNA.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 

Küchler S, Adbel-Mottaleb M, Lamprecht A, Radowski MR, Haag R, Schäfer-Korting M.
Influences of Nanocarriers' Type and Size On Skin Delivery of Hydrophilic Agents.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Kietzmann D, Béduneau A, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
pH-sensitive microparticles prepared by an oil/water emulsification method using n-butanol.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Hassani S, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Selective adhesion of nanoparticles to inflamed tissue in gastric ulcers.
Pharmaceutical Research  


Moulari B, Pertuit D, Pellquer Y, Lamprecht A.
The targeting of surface modified silica nanoparticles to inflamed tissue in experimental colitis.
Biomaterials 29 (2008) 4554-4560.

Socha M, Lamprecht A, El Ghazouani F, Emond E, Maincent P, Barré J, Hoffman M, Ubrich N.
Increase in the vascular residence time of propranolol-loaded nanoparticles coated with heparin.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8 (2008) 2369-2376.

Meissner Y, Lamprecht A.
Alternative drug delivery approaches for the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 97 (2008) 2878-2891.

Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticles for specific oral drug delivery.
Bulletin Technique Gattefossé


Pertuit D, Moulari B, Betz T, Nadaradjane A, Neumann D, Ismaïli L, Refouvelet B, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
5-amino salicylic acid bound nanoparticles for the therapy of inflammatory bowel disease.
Journal of Controlled Release 

Lacoeuille F, Hindré F, Moal F, Roux J, Passirani C, Couturier O, Cales P, Le Jeune JJ, Lamprecht A, Benoit JP.
In vivo evaluation of lipid nanocapsules as a promising colloidal carrier for paclitaxel.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Hoffart V, Maincent P, Lamprecht A, Latger-Cannard V, Regnault V, Merle C, Jouan-Hureaux V, Lecompte T, Vigneron C, Ubrich N.
Immunoadsorption of alloantibodies onto erythroid membrane antigens encapsulated into polymeric microparticles.
Pharmaceutical Research

Sheikh Hassan A, Socha M, Lamprecht A, El Ghazouani F, Sapin A, Hoffman M, Maincent P, Ubrich N.
Effect of the microencapsulation of nanoparticles on the reduction of burst release.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Lamprecht A, Ubrich N, Maincent P.
Oral low molecular weight heparin delivery by microparticles from complex coacervation.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 

Arca Yegin B, Moulari B, Durlu-Kandilci NT, Korkusuz P, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Sulindac loaded alginate beads for a mucoprotective and controlled drug release.
Journal of Microencapsulation 

Pellequer Y, Meissner Y, Ubrich N, Lamprecht A.
Epithelial heparin delivery via microspheres mitigates experimental colitis in mice.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Mana Z, Pellequer Y, Alf Lamprecht A.
Oil-in-oil microencapsulation technique with an external perfluorohexane phase.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Meissner Y, Ubrich N, El Ghazouani F, Maincent P, Lamprecht A.
Low molecular weight heparin loaded pH-sensitive microparticles.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Pellequer Y, Weissenborn V, Lamprecht A.
Decreased drug penetration in inflamed tissue related to changed mucosal metabolism in experimental colitis.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Lacoeuille F, Garcion E, Benoit JP, Lamprecht A.
Lipid nanocapsules for intracellular drug delivery of anticancer drugs.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 


Lamprecht A, Koenig P, Ubrich N, Maincent P, Neumann D.
Low molecular weight heparin nanoparticles: Mucoadhesion and behavior in Caco-2 cells.

Garcion E, Lamprecht A, Heurtault B, Aubert-Pouessel A, Denizot B, Menei P, Benoît JP.
A new generation of anticancer, drug-loaded, colloidal vectors reverses multidrug resistance in glioma and reduces tumour progression in rats.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Arica Yegin B, Lamprecht A.
Lipid nanocapsule size analysis by hydrodynamic chromatography and photon correlation spectroscopy.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 

Löhbach C, Neumann D, Lehr CM, Lamprecht A.
Human vascular endothelial cells in primary cell culture for the evaluation of nanoparticle bioadhesion.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 

Hoffart V, Lamprecht A, Maincent P, Lecompte T, Vigneron C, Ubrich N.
Oral bioavailability of a low molecular weight heparin using a polymeric delivery system.
Journal of Controlled Release 

Arica Yegin B, Benoît JP, Lamprecht A.
Paclitaxel-loaded lipid nanoparticles prepared by solvent injection or ultrasound emulsification.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

Glowka E, Lamprecht A, Ubrich N, Maincent P, Lulek J, Coulon J, Leroy P.
Enhanced cellular uptake of a glutathione selective fluorogenic probe encapsulated in nanoparticles,

Weiss B, Schaefer UF, Zapp J, Lamprecht A, Stallmach A, Lehr CM.
Nanoparticles made of fluorescence-labelled PLGA: preparation, stability and biocompatibility.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 

Lamprecht A, Benoit JP.
Etoposide nanocarriers suppress glioma cell growth by intracellular drug delivery and simultaneous P-glycoprotein inhibition.
Journal of Controlled Release

Meissner Y, Pellequer Y, Lamprecht A.
Nanoparticles in inflammatory bowel disease: particle targeting versus pH-sensitive delivery.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Tangsumranjit A, Pellequer Y, Lboutounne H, Guillaume YC, Lamprecht A, Millet J.
Enhanced ascorbyl palmitate stability by polymeric nanoparticles.
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 

Lamprecht A, Kawashima, Y.
pH-sensitive microparticles for oral drug delivery.
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology


Lamprecht A, Yamamoto H, Takeuchi H, Kawashima Y.
Nanoparticles enhance therapeutic efficiency by selectively increased local drug dose in experimental colitis in rats.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 

Lamprecht A, Yamamoto H, Takeuchi H, Kawashima Y.
A pH-sensitive microsphere system for the colon delivery of tacrolimus containing nanoparticles.
Journal of Controlled Release 

Lamprecht A, Yamamoto H, Ubrich N, Takeuchi H, Maincent P, Kawashima Y.
FK506 microparticles mitigate experimental colitis with minor renal calcineurin suppression.
Pharmaceutical Research 

Arica B, Lamprecht A.
In-vitro evaluation of betamethasone loaded nanoparticles.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 

Lamprecht A, Yamamoto H, Takeuchi H, Kawashima Y.
Observations in simultaneous microencapsulation of 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin for combined pH-dependent release.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Bhardwaj V, Hariharan S, Bala I, Lamprecht A, Kumar N, Panchagnula R, Ravi Kumar MNV.
Pharmaceutical Aspects of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Oral Delivery.
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 

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