Cooperation projects

Cooperation Projects

Previously funded Projects:

German Research Foundation (DFG)

  • GRK 677: „Structure and Molecualr Interaction as a Basis for Drug Action". Subproject: Development of Subtype-selective Adenosine receptor Antagonists as Pharmacological Tools."

  • GRK 804: „Analysis of Cell Functions by Combinatorial Chemistry and Biochemistry". Subproject: Selective Molecular Tools for Purine receptors: Syntheses, Structural requirements, and in vitro Pharmacology."

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

  • BioPharma: Neuroallianz – an interdisciplinary research cooperation project between academic partners and biotech- and pharma-industry. Neuroallianz focus is on development of Innovative therapeutics and diagnostics for neurodegenerative diseases.

European Union (EU)

  • NEURON-Verbund – Development of Drugs acting on heterdimer G-Protein coupled Receptors

North Rheine Westphalia (NRW) State

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